Supporting Local Farms & Growers

Supporting local farms and growers across Australia using their wild harvested native fruits and botanicals

Keeping It Real with REAL fruit from the source ....


Our tasty Desert Limes are sourced from Marvick Native Farms in Red Gully WA. A retirement project for Vickie Shina and Mark Andrew, their foray into the fledgling Australian Native Foods industry has turned into a flourishing enterprise. DELVI Tahitian limes are hand picked by Survivor All-Star Mark “Tarzan” Herlaar from his orchards in N.E Queensland.

Blood oranges for Our Award winning Orange Passion  are sourced from Redbelly Citrus farms in Griffith NSW. Redbelly Citrus has its roots set way back in Italy, Grandparents Vito Leonardo and Domenica Mancini along with Giuseppe and Lucia Barbagallo made the long journey to establish their new families in this wonderful country, Australia.